
Lurer du på hvorfor det står en bil parkert rett utenfor Domkirken?

Migrantbilen vil stå parkert utenfor Bergen domkirke til og med 24. november FOTO: Anne Merete Solbakken
Bilen er utstilt i forbindelsen med prosjektet "Migrant Car" av Ed D´Souza, som en del av osloBIENNALEN FIRST EDITION 2019-24. Migrantbilen kan oppleves ved sentrale arenaer i Bergen i regi av Kunsthall 3,14. Den blir stående utenfor Bergen domkirke frem til 24. november.
Ed D´Souza sculpture The Migrant Car has pushed it selves as close to the medieval cathedral in Bergen as it can get.
Placed in an otherwise open area where nothing is supposed to be, especially not a car.  And by doing exactly that a dialogue between contemporary issues and medieval symbolic power immediately triggers our mind. We stop, we look again at this surprising framework and start to think about things we don’t normally think about.
And when you get closer you discover that the congregation has relinquished a gift to the car, the turnover consists of recorded sound from within the cathedral, where their choir sings four part corals. The music may seem kind and reassuring, but it is taken from St John's Passion by Johann Sebastian Bach - a powerful portrayal of the dramatic passionate story of Jesu suffering and death on the cross.
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